Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Writings on the wall...

So I guess I'm superstitious now? Okay so I read this stupid horoscope in some ridiculous tween magazine, out of sheer boredom and lack of other reading materials, to kill time on a long drive to Joe's Valley with a completely Beiber obsessed passenger. It told me that I would be hearing from a long lost crush that week. I ended up hearing from about five. Every time I would think about one, they would text me. And finally, the text I had been waiting for all stinking summer came from the fore mentioned Candy. The boy I've been completely infatuated with for my whole high school career.

Quick back story- just as yolo came into my life, the biggest party of the year was coming around the corner. Pepperwood Party. It's held in the extremely, irritatingly rich neighborhood near my school, Pepperwood. This party is also known as the kissing party. Many people try to see how many people they can kiss in one night. So my friend and I and our new found need to live like we're dying decided to have a friendly competition of who could lock lips with the most men. Mid evening, our count was tied at four. She sees Candy and walks away from me and then I see them start kissing, but it was over shortly. She looked smug. I was mad. So I started leaning in and he was leaning in and my friend was pushing our heads apart but Candy told her to lay off. And then Candy and I kissed. Me and my love, we kissed. But not just for a few seconds... I started getting worried after a minute passed. And then my worries were confirmed when an applause erupted and we realized we had attracted a crowd. (One of the crowd members being my ex and his best friend, giving a disapproving glare to the both of us.)

And we haven't talked since.

He told me he had been wanting to kiss me for a while, and was glad he did, but I wasn't sure if that was the now apparent alcohol talking that I tasted on his breath. Oh gosh, now it looked as though I'd taken advantage of a drunk boy.

So there are so many reasons why I know I don't want to ever have my fantasies become reality, because he could never live up to what I made him to be. I don't even really know him. Not the side of him that gets high and drunk on the weekends anyway.

Alright now back to superstitions and Candy's text- He said, "Love!! How has you're summer been?!" an hour later I saw it and replied, "Hey Candy! It's been great! How's yours?!" and you know what? He never replied. That bastard. Who just texts someone that and then doesn't reply? Whatever. But now, ever since that horoscope proved right, I'm starting to believe in that malarkey. I got three fortune cookies just to see what the fortunes would say, and they all told me that a surprise awaited me this weekend. Well, that was the gist of all of them anyway. So I guess I'll have to wait until Saturday to see if I'm going to be superstitious or not.

Just to be safe, I'll be avoiding ladders, and black cats, and breaking mirrors until then.

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