I now know with out a doubt how the world will end.
Cleaveland was saying how she wanted to get and iPhone; Liz and I just rolled our eyes. But then Liz started saying how if everyone got an iPhone then we would reach our data limit and nobodies phones would work. And then I was given an epiphany.
It's like Y2K all over again. (Year 2000. You know, when everyone thought that the computers wouldn't be able to handle the date switch over? Yeah, people seriously thought that. What idiots. Now my theory, it is not stupid like that at all.) (sarcasm.) Okay, so in December 2012, all of our technology is going to crash because we have reached the data limit. We will have to rebuild it all, from the ground up. The literal world isn't going to end, just the things we think our world is. That's why the Mayan calendar stops, because that is where we are going to have to start over and revert back to simpler times.
I just love conspiracy theories. Gosh I sound like the crazy guy with a patchy beard that lives in a van down by the river with his four cats as company.
I wish I had the shirt I bought that said, "I survived y2k." It was such a sick shirt. But I had to go and give it to that boob I was dating at the time along with an awesome Beatles record. I should go ask for my stuff back. But that means altering my personality entirely and becoming less lazy. So I guess no one will ever know about how "I survived y2k." That shirt is going to be outdated anyway. Now I want one that says, "I survived y2k12." yeah, suck on that boob with my y2k shirt. boob.
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