Saturday, June 30, 2012

thanks a lot hashtag yolo.

So, like I said earlier, i'm screwed. Why? because of stinkin' YOLO. Now everybody is constantly telling the community all the cool things they're doing via facebook, twitter, and instagram. "Did something awesome today! #yolo" shutupshutupshutup. I know there is no way that people are having all that much fun, especially where I live. Yet they still feel the need to tell every one about it.  The other day I saw a picture of these idiots kids cliff diving. Sure, that's super fun, but wouldn't a more fitting hashtag would be: yodo (you only die once) or yogotmcagbd (you only get one too many concussions and get brain damage). So I started using this saying in complete irony, "watched re- runs of friends all day. yolo." It got me thinking though, maybe I'm not making the most of my highschool experience... So maybe... maybe I'll start doing things spontaneously. Once I can gather the strength to get myself off my couch and put a bra on, I'll go outside and try this "yolo" thing that all the kids are talkin about.

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